Baked toffee apple cheesecake

baked cheesecake recipe
Baked toffee apple cheesecake


  • 75g butter, melted, plus a little for the tin
  • 200g Ginger Nut biscuits
  • 6 Discovery apples (or Cox or Braeburn)
  • 600g soft cheese
  • 100ml double cream
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 50g plain flour
  • a few drops vanilla extract


  • 300ml double cream
  • 100g dark brown sugar
  • 75g butter
  • a few drops vanilla extract


  1. Butter a 23cm springform cake tin and line with baking paper. Blitz the biscuits in a food processor until fine and tip into a bowl, then mix in the melted butter.
  2. Spread the biscuit mix onto the bottom of the tin, using the back of a spoon to flatten it out into an even layer. Chill while you make the filling.
  3. Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Peel, core and finely chop two of the apples. Whisk together the soft cheese, cream, caster sugar, flour and vanilla, then stir in the chopped apple.
  4. Pour the mixture over the biscuit base and bake for 30-40 minutes, after which the centre of the cheesecake should have a uniform wobble when gently shaken. Turn the oven off and leave the cheesecake in the oven until it has cooled completely.
  5. To make the toffee, melt the cream, sugar, butter, vanilla and a pinch of salt together in a pan. Bring to a low bubble and keep stirring until the liquid is a thick, golden toffee colour.
  6. Spoon a thin layer of toffee onto the cheesecake. Core, slice and arrange the remaining 4 apples on top.
  7. Use a pastry brush to thinly coat the apple slices with toffee (this will create a seal and stop them going brown). Drizzle over the remaining toffee before serving.
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